The Guinness World Record Art Project
Where Thousands of Questions Get Answered

will i be ok?

wil i be ok?   Yes, but you’ll have to take active steps. Don’t be embarassed to ask for help. Get a friend & make a plan. Distract yourself from grief by staying active with friends & hobbies. Above all, don’t forget to LOVE YOURSELF!

How do you know when to give up?

How do you know when to give up? Wheel Questions was a financial failure in 2009. But it was a community success. And I’m not yet out of ideas for making it work. We shall see. How do you know when to give up?   When you’ve tried hard enough & smart enough that you […]

Are we there yet?

The Wheel Questions book has 94 pages now, about two thirds text. I’ve done nothing else for 10 days, at about 9 pages a day. Following the anecdotal essay format of Robert Fulghum, the author of All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, I’m weaving in a lot of personal stories but […]

Is reincarnation real?

Is reincarnation real?   It’s such a compellingn fantasy that life goes on after death that people really want to believe in it. But wanting something doesn’t make it true, which is why I don’t live with a harem of supermodels who all think they were once Cleopatra in a past life. Reincarnation is just […]

I <3 LOVE everyone DO <3 YOU LOVE EVERYONE TOOO <3 ??????

Yes, I do love everyone. It’s hard to build a reciprocating relationship though when you’re spreading it so thinly and widely. I

WHY are mimes scary? ahhh! a mime!

I have 45 pages of the Wheel Questions book written now. It’s about one-third photographs of the questions written on cards. The questions are really more interesting than the answers, in my opinion, because they tell a story. Rather than include the answer side of the cards, the rest is free-flowing text, a mix of […]

I’ve never had a boyfriend and I’m almost 16.

It’s easy for adults to downplay or ridicule the concerns of children. At first glance, this question is cute. It would have been easy to write a humorous reply that said “Silly child! Just wait!”. But teens are people and their pain is real. I tried to give it a real answer that shows respect. […]

I’m 13. Should I stop trying to write a novel and wait 20 yrs?

This card will hopefully inpsire me to write more of the Wheel Questions book today. Too bad I waited 20 years! I’m 13. Should I stop trying to write a novel and wait 20 yrs?   No. Do it now, while you’re young. Study others you look up to & make their standards of excellence […]

Is Santa real?

Yesterday, I wrote the opening chapter to the Wheel Questions book. It needed two rewrites but now it’s looking pretty good! This book thing may just work out! That’s my non-denominational winter solstice gift to myself. Oh, who am I fooling. My Christmas gift to myself. I don’t really celebrate the holiday, but Merry Christmas […]

Are you Santa Claus?

Happy holidays, everyone. If you don’t celebrate Christmas and live near Boston, check out Johnny’s List of Weird Boston Events for some off-beat alternatives and a big list of nighttime holiday lights. Are you Santa Claus?   Ho Ho Ho! I applied but I couldn’t fit down the chimney! ——– Want daily inspiration? Subscribe! And […]