The Guinness World Record Art Project
Where Thousands of Questions Get Answered

Why are people put on this Earth?

Why are people put on this Earth? I know this is a very cliche question, but it keeps me up at night.   Has your heart ever misled you in love, or friendship, or eating an entire bag of Oreos? Wanting to believe that a mystical God placed humans here for a purpose is a […]

I am unhappy with my marriage… but intellectually it is fine…

I am unhappy with my marriage… but intellectually it is fine. How do I find the strength & conviction to figure out what is best for me?   This is too complex a decision to “go with your gut”. If it’s fine intellectually, then what really is the problem? If it’s just that you’re bored, […]

how did this wheel start? How long has it been here. I like it!!!

I shut down the Wheel Questions installation in Somerville yesterday. I’ve moved to a new apartment and I no longer have a back yard or a garden. However, I hope to get a grant and continue to do the project in Davis Square, Somerville, and Harvard Square, Cambridge starting in late May! Meanwhile, I’ll continue […]

should I abandon 4 years of school and 2 years of work experience to attend law school

The advice in this card was inspired by the book, “Stumbling on Happiness” and the scientific research it refers to. Should I do the grad school thing for my masters or ph.d. in electrical engineering, or should I abandon 4 years of school and 2 years of work experience to attend law school instead?   […]

I Love your idea I wish I had Your Idea

Kids ask the cutest questions! To get your own ideas, start by asking “What do I need that I wish I had?” Then go make that. 🙂 I Love your idea I wish I had Your Idea   You can have it for free. Ask a teacher to set up a cardboard box with a […]

Why is this synthesis of art and psychology not called the Question Cylinder?

Not all the cards I get are serious. My new roommate keeps calling the project “The Pillar”… 🙂 Why is this synthesis of art and psychology not called the Question Cylinder?   Sure, or how about THE ASKING SHED or LAND OF MANY CARDS ? 🙂

Can she forgive me? Can I forgive myself?

Will she hate me forever? Can she forgive me? Can I forgive myself? Right now it’s hard.   Become a new person by apologizing, making what amends you can, & pledging to act differently. Being a new person frees you to dislike your old self but love your new self. Life is hard — think […]

How can I help my black male students to do well despite society’s low expectations

Sometimes one card is just too small for an answer! I do my best. 🙂 How can I help my black male students to do well despite society’s low expectations of them? I already have close mentoring relationships with and high expectations for them, but even this doesn’t help them have high expectations for themselves. […]

I am really into him haven’t talked for 6 months told him not to contact me. Now I don’t know what to do!?

Spring has sprung, the grass has ris. I wonder where the flowers is. 🙂 I’m not sure what to do I am really into him haven’t talked for 6 months told him not to contact me. Now I don’t know what to do!?   If you’re really into him, call & ask iof you can […]

How can I motivate my friend Sherry to start painting again?

How can I motivate my friend Sherry to start painting again? It was a very important part of her life, but now she can’t find time for it, or won’t. Thanks, -SG   Arrange as a surprise a visit to a local museum like the DeCordova or the Fuller that have art walk-in programs or […]