The Guinness World Record Art Project
Where Thousands of Questions Get Answered

What have you learned about people, doing this?

What have you learned about people, doing this?   We don’t show it on the outside, but everyone has a troubling problem or question. We have enormous control over our own lives. Making a change is possible; it just requires conquering our fear of failure. Most people love the concept, but don’t offer to help. […]

How can you be very convincive?

How can you be very convincive? -Sammie Spux   The best way to be convincing is, first demonstrate emotional empathy. People like advice from someone who’s “on their side”. Then get their agreement that a problem exists — don’t hop directly into what the solution should be. Describe the problem from their viewpoint. Give them […]

Is there any way to fix bad luck?

Is there any way to fix bad luck? -PAC   You can’t control the entire world and bad things may happen. But there’s no such thing as fate or having bad luck. Learn to control what you can. Be on the lookout for possible bad things you can avoid & possible good things you can […]

If I stay with her, I keep my only real friend. If I leave, I can be perfectly alone.

I got what I wanted for Christmas! An article in the Boston Phoenix. Thanks, Santa! 🙂 She is the only one who comes close to understanding, but she doesn’t. If I stay with her, I keep my only real friend. If I leave, I can be perfectly alone. What do I do?   You feel […]

Is there such a thing as normal?

Merry Christmas, to those who celebrate. To those who don’t, here’s a card for you. Dear Dude, Thanks for all of your advise, I come here often. Is there such a thing as normal? — Skullz ‘N’ Skittlez   Everyone has this urge to fit in & be loved. But you don’t need to be […]

I’m madly in love with a person who does not speak the same language as I.

I’m madly in love with a person who does not speak the same language as I. We are from very different worlds. I speak to her in the few words that I know in her language. I am very taken by her, and do not know what I should do next. Can you advisse?   […]

How do you… let yourself be totally vulnerable + open to love?

How do you face your fear to let your wall down + let yourself be totally vulnerable + open to love?   Fear is always fear of the unknown. But you can tackle the unknown by learning & making a plan. Make a plan for what you would do if love failed & you’ll see […]

1. Do you believe in God? 2. How come you have all the answers?

Do you believe in Thor, the ancient viking god? Probably not. So you know what it’s like to be an atheist. Here’s a card on that. 1. Do you believe in God? 2. How come you have all the answers?   We all don’t believe in the gods of others. It’s just your god you’re […]

I am not sure if the path I have chosen is the correct one.

Sometimes if you don’t know the next step, experiment! Here’s a card on that. I feel my destiny is to affect change on the world. However, I am not sure if the path I have chosen is the correct one. Is it?   Make a plan for change. Is it practical? Find a way to […]

How can I use time more wisely and not waste it watching TV and using the computer?

Even though I’m expecting an article out in The Boston Phoenix, I’ve been getting fewer cards lately and can’t keep The Wheel going through the bad weather. I have taken down all the cards except the last 7 days and may close it down until March. We’ll see! How can I use time more wisely […]