The Guinness World Record Art Project
Where Thousands of Questions Get Answered

What is Wheel Questions?

Watch the 2-minute video. More videos. It’s an outdoor kiosk that tours sidewalks and festivals for six months a year. 1. Walk up. Write a question on a colored card. Drop it in. 2. The artist picks up the cards daily. He writes answers on the backs. 3. He posts the cards online. Go online […]

why does it feel as though god has a vendetta against me

A couple of months ago, somebody asked me when the first snowfall would be. I believe I said December 6! I can’t find the card, though, in the online archives. Today it was snowing! I guess that just proves that good predictions happen by chance sometimes and we musn’t attribute oracular powers to those who […]

Should I Quit my Job? (I really don’t like it)

I’ve decided to re-brand this website “Wheel Questions, Wheel Answers”, based on the secular ‘prayer wheel’ in my garden that all the question cards get posted on. Today I am happily working on a new website.     Should I Quit my Job? (I really don’t like it)   Yes, you should spend as much […]

Where do I go from here

The way cards are written are sometimes haunting. On this one, there’s no question mark. It’s easy to imagine someone who’s just plain stuck.     Where do I go from here   Talk with a few people who have faced similar choices. Invite them to lunch for the chance to pick their brains. Develop […]

Should you give a friend advice… even if the repercussions could be severe?

Sometimes friends can see things we ourselves are blind to. It’s an important part of being a good friend to give negative, but supportive feedback, even it it’s scary to do. This works for family, too. Here’s how.     Should you give a friend advice that you know in your heart is right — […]

How can I overcome my fear of taking the next big step toward my dreams & goals?

  How can I overcome my fear of taking the next big step toward my dreams & goals?   Mark a “Change Day” on your calendar & plan a party with friends. Make a plan & write it down. It’s always less scary when you can see the big picture. Although it may feel too […]

how do I get him to ask me out

  I like this guy, but I don’t think he likes me the way I like him, how do I get him to ask me out D.N. Angel 25   Ask a mutual friend to find out if he likes you. Or maybe he doesn’t feel he knows you well enough yet. Why don’t you […]

Am I a good man?

If you make the decision to change yourself and behave differently, you become a new person. It’s OK to dislike the old you while loving the new you. That’s how to deal with regret.     Am I a good man?   Yes. Forgive yourself your past & focus on being the best person you […]

Will we have a depression?

  Will we have a depression ?   I refuse to get depressed. There’s always a road to success with enough determination. What’s your big dream & how are you going to get there?

Will I become a successful artist — Am I successful now?

  Nov 04, OBAMA WINS! Will I become a successful artist — Am I successful now?   You’re successful if what you are doing makes you happy and makes a “positive impact on others”, which is a good definition of art. The trick is to know yourself well & without illusions & delusions, so you […]