Why are so many people filled with hate and how can we help them?
This one goes out to the strange people who do their best to make others’ lives worse. Sort of like the Salvation Army but backwards. Never let someone who constantly complains close to you, in business, friendship, family, or romance. Why are so many people filled with hate and how can we help […]
How can I find love?
I dug up two huge metal fence poles from the garden. Now that’s a lot of digging and yanking! (click for big view) How can I find love?
I long for the risky path. But I’m so afraid to risk ANYTHING
I obviously didn’t finish writing this card. I must have been interrupted, and then didn’t notice. Unfinished, it is perfect. “I’ll bet you’ll find you“. About this blog: I have taken the safe path & I am alone and OK w/ it. I long for the risky path. But I’m so afraid to risk ANYTHING […]
Why are some people afraid of love?
Why are some people afraid of love? Why do I feel like I am becoming afraid? Fear is always fear of the unknown. Are you someone who falls in love & starts to forgive the flaws & behaviors in your partner so completely that when it turns out they’re not good to you, it’s […]
How can I stop feeling so offended by people’s words and actions?
How can I stop feeling so offended by people’s words and actions? A lot of irritability is some unhappiness in your own life that you’re projecting, pretending it has some other cause. When you start to get mad, think, “How much would I pay to get rid of that annoyance?” $50? $5? You’ll soon […]
Can I have faith that life will lead me down the right path, or do I need to seek it out?
Yesterday I was feeling down and had dinner at the local pizza shop. I was in a rush and the server really took care of me. I tipped well, and could have let it go at that. But I took a moment to compliment him directly and then tell his manager. I felt great about […]
… now that I know I’m not pregnant, I’m disappointed.
It’s misguided for this asker to think that having a child will solve her problems… children bring joy but they also bring a lot of responsibility and that’s not generally what the overly-stressed-out-and-feeling-down-in-life person needs. I’m 21 years old and last week I had a “pregnancy scare”. I started planning my life accordingly and now […]
are you sometimes shy?? i am.
This card blew me away with its poetic simplicity. I need to work harder on providing poetic responses. Boston Magazine did an article on the Abyss, here are you sometimes shy?? i am. Everyone is shy sometimes. It’s important not to feel pressured to jump right into crowds if you don’t want to. But […]
If the person your with is selfish and doesn’t show they care should you stay with them out of love?
If the person your with is selfish and doesn’t show they care should you stay with them out of love? You should never allow a feeling from your heart to lead you astray into something your head knows just doesn’t work. Be brave and leave. You will find a new partner in time! 🙂
If you think someone your with don’t care like they should how long do you let it go on.
Do you know someone who feels trapped? Sometimes all they need is a friend to point out how much power they have to change. If you think someone your with don’t care like they should how long do you let it go on. Even if the thought of not being with them kills you… […]