Why am I here?
My roommate Mauricio and I bought a bunch of wood for the garden shrine. We’re making a roof that will survive the winter snow. It’s a fun project, but it’s more fun just having someone who’s helping, a project buddy. Why am I here? I don’t mean the abyss garden, I mean earth, […]
Am I so damaged I will not heal?
I wish I could say I have never been in the place that this asker has been in. Unfortunately, I have. But I can speak from personal experience that survival happens: it’s built into the human psyche to adapt and thrive. Remember all the trouble you had in grade school, when you thought the world […]
Will I ever get married, Yes-or-No. –Erin age 8
The lecture went well yesterday! I made a lot of jokes, people seemed to enjoy it. From now on I need to focus more on personal stories than abstract philosophy, though. I handed out a lot of these cards I got printed up: flip side: Will I ever get married Yes-or-No Erin age […]
Will I find myself in the next year? I have been lost.
Today is my lecture, at 7pm at La Luna Cafe at 403 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge MA. I’ll talk about the Abyss project and will hand out blank cards. 🙂 Will I find myself in the next year? I have been lost. No, because you’re going to find yourself today. Call a friend […]
I would like to know if I will date Nick Jonas I really love him even if he wasnt famonse
Here’s another card challenging the wisdom I dole out daily! Nick Jonas is a 16-year-old musician. 🙂 I would like to know if I will date Nick Jonas I really love him even if he wasnt famonse or will i at least meet him from future Mrs Nick Jonas When you’re 33, […]
Here’s a secret: I’m in love. I want to marry him. He is the bomb :)
Here’s a happy card that shows the power of listening. You can get all kinds of ideas for sneaky romantic surprises just by listening. I got a card asking me to give a lecture! It’s this Sunday, October 5, at 7pm at La Luna Cafe, 403 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge MA. The blurb is below. […]
Am I going to get married when i get older?
When people ask me questions that it would be impossible to answer, I make something up, figuring that showing them one possibility might be inspiring, and a far better answer than saying “time will tell”. Here’s someone who wrote back calling me on my own guess. Am I going to get married when […]
All of my girlfriends are married or engaged, but I’m the dreaded “S” word.
I met someone yesterday who said she spends 10 minutes in the garden every few days. That made me smile. Today is my 26th birthday. All of my girlfriends are married or engaged, but I’m the dreaded “S” word. Can you offer some advice to keep me looking on the bright side? PS […]
When is enough, enough?
As I was heading out today, I saw someone hovering on the sidewalk with a notepad. I told her it was OK to come into the garden — this is what I generally say to hovering strangers — and she said she was just writing down a quote from the poem I have on a […]
How do I reveal what i really want to others?
How do I reveal what i really want to others? Tell them about this card and how it made you think about what you want from life & how you want to be loved by friends & family. Ask if you can tell them about this. If they’re not interested, the problem isn’t […]