The Guinness World Record Art Project
Where Thousands of Questions Get Answered

Should I go to Argentina for New Years or save money and not take time off work?

Yesterday’s answer advocated restraint. Here’s one advocating adventure. Both are good. Should I go to Argentina for New Years or save money and not take time off work?   Will it be an adventure that you’ll remember for the rest of your life? Try to say yes to adventures & opportunities. 🙂

Why can’t I exist on Candy?

This card was submitted by a very small child, who dictated to her dad. Why can’t I exist on Candy?   It’s fun to jump in puddles! But then you get all muddy. Sometimes when your heart says “I want that!” you have to use your head. Eating just candy would make you sick. 🙂 […]


Thanks to the Harvard Square Business Association, I’m now planning a “grand opening” celebration for Wheel Questions on Sunday, June 14th at One Brattle Square, Cambridge, MA. Time TBD, will post later. 🙂 WHY?   People make mistakes. Accidents happen. There’s no hidden reason behind the world, but it’s a good place. Choose your friends […]

Wheel Questions Tour Schedule

Wheel Questions 2010 Coming in Summer 2010. Subscribe to the newsletter, daily blog, Twitter, or Facebook to receive updates and the new schedule.. Dates Site Address May 1-2 Muse & the Marketplace (literary conference) Boston, MA May 24-27 Book Expo America (literary conference) New York, NY Wheel Questions Video Blitz 2009 Video was added to […]

How do I know love? How do I find it?

I’m looking for someone to do a video documentary on Wheel Questions. You bring a camera and show up one day this summer — possibly at a festival — and anyone who comes who wants to be taped delivering their question into the camera, we’ll make a movie and it’ll be touching and we’ll post […]

Why do I keep having crappy dreams even though my life is pretty stable?

I had a design meeting today with Kyle Sturgeon on the architecture for the new Wheel. We will have it up by June 13 at the Cambridge River Festival, possibly sooner! WHY DO I KEEP HAVING CRAPPY DREAMS EVEN THOUGH MY LIFE IS PRETTY STABLE?   Dreams are like that, unfortunately. I think we remember […]

Why do guys keep breaking up with me?

Yesterday’s card was about women and love. For some balance, here’s one about men. It’s tempting but the solution isn’t to hate all men, it’s to find different men than the ones you haven’t clicked with. Why do guys keep breaking up with me? Why do I feel so negatively about guys? Why do I […]

She’s moved on… She is the love of my life. How do I let her go?

This one hits me in the gut like a little snatch of death. Questions like “Did I cause this? How can this happen in a sane world?” tend to loop around and around in the brain late at night. Stop this cycle. It isn’t getting you anywhere. Yes, it sucks! Having established that, new topic! […]

Will my organization get enough funding so that I can keep my job past September?

The hardest thing about life is knowing when to have confidence and when to have humility. One way to figure it out is to ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing working?” So, I failed to get the Wheel Questions grant. But what I’m doing seems to be working. I’ve gotten so much great feedback and […]

Do we have free will?

Here’s a card on a philosophical question. My response to these is usually,”Don’t you have anything more grounded to worry about?” Personally, my sleepless nights I devote to worrying about money and love. 🙂 Do we have free will?   Yes. The whole concept that the brain is just a machine, while true, doesn’t make […]