how can I possibly repay all that I’ve been given?
A couple of months ago I asked people to volunteer to be on video saying “We Want the Book!” to help me build momentum for getting the Wheel Questions book published. The video has really helped me so far. Thank you to everyone! Check out the video. Sometimes, when you cannot give back — for […]
Do Geese poop when they fly?
It’s good when people use my advice-giving art project for life’s Big Questions. I hope you’re planning lots of outdoor activities while it’s still summer. 🙂 Do Geese poop when they fly? Yes. It’s refreshing!
Magic 8 Ball?
Sometimes I feel like I’m in the eye of the storm. You do the best you can for now, and then try to figure it out later. 🙂 Magic 8 Ball? Answer unclear. Try again later. ——– Want daily inspiration? Subscribe! And try my other blog, Events Insider.
How do I work with my fear? Change is so scarey.
The final draft of my Wheel Questions book sample goes out to publishers starting Monday. It’s only 30 double-spaced pages. Are there any volunteers who’d like to review it and could get back to me by Sunday? Please email through the website. How do I work with my fear? Change is so scarey. The […]
Are there really fairies?
I took my best friend and his family to an amusement park yesterday for his birthday. That was my magic for the week. 🙂 Are there really fairies? There are no tiny woodland creatures called fairies, but there are millions of amazing & astonishing species of animal! Some are cute like fairies. Some have […]
Should I defy my parents and do what I want or please them?
I’m watching the film Almost Famous again and the story makes me cry, but the quality of the writing is even better. It’s on my mind now that I’m finalizing the draft of the Wheel Questions book proposal that will actually go out to publishers. I wish I could write like that! My dad said […]
Who answers these questions we drop in the box? Why does he or she answer?
The Wheel Questions book is finally ready to go out to publishers. The new title is Ask Anything Under the Sun: 12,000 Questions and My Race to Answer Them All. A lot of people ask who I am and what’s the story behind the Wheel. You can get all that at my my Wheel Questions […]
Last night, I went to see a movie with my best friend, and on the way out, we passed actor Michael Cera coming in… presumably to speak at a special preview. So I say to Rick, “Hey! That was Michael Cera!” Rick says, “Who?” I try to explain who Michael Cera is, to be met […]
What if I don’t know who I am anymore?
It’s easier to get a grip if you know that feeling like you’re losing your grip is normal. And can be overcome. 🙂 What if I don’t know who I am anymore? Make a list of your likes & dislikes. Do you like kangaroos? Sports? Cars? You know a lot more about yourself than […]
Is everything going to be OK?
Is everything going to be OK? ** YES! ** The trick is that you have to change it to make it okay. From all the decisions that you’ve made because you think they’ll make you happy, at least one is wrong-minded & does not work, no matter how much you feel it. Grab a […]