The Guinness World Record Art Project
Where Thousands of Questions Get Answered

How can I know how much to trust?

How can I know how much to trust?   It’s not about developing this “gotcha” sense of permanent trust. It’s much easier to work on spotting people who aren’t good to you by being realistic & not blaming yourself when it’s not your fault. Don’t overinvest in people who haven’t earned it & you won’t […]

I’m kind of mad at him because he acted as if I was his girlfriend…

Dear Johnny, A guy likes me, and I just told him that I wasn’t interested. I’m kind of mad at him because he acted as if I was his girlfriend and thought that I was without me even confirming his question, (if I would go out with him) but I feel bad because after I […]

How can you tell if your over being depressed?

How can you tell if your over being depressed? Sammie Spux   If you have energy and enjoy being with friends & doing fun hobbies, then you’re not depressed. Next time that you take a risk like seeing a friend or starting in on a project & it goes well, write yourself a note & […]

Should I ask someone out that i like, Love, Lillithame.

This card is too cute to pass up, obviously written by a teenager. Should I ask someone out that i like, Love, Lillithame.   Yes! If they say yes then you can have a celebration & if they don’t, at least it frees you to like somebody else. People like those with confidence who are […]

Why do I give up on myself before anyone else does?

I have a friend who is sort of giving up and I’m trying to help. There’s not much I can do, because it’s not my life, not my job to take over, but just being there for somebody helps, so I’m doing that and showing support. Here’s a card on that. Why do I give […]

When & how did you find out what you want to do in life or how you want to live it?

When & how did you find out what you want to do in life or how you want to live it?   Who says you have to have it all figured out? Knowing what you want in life doesn’t just come in a spark of inspiration. Have you tried sitting down & thinking about it? […]

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

Why is there so much hatred in the world? -ursusrex   Shame leads to rage. People who are not as successful — or entire populations as with third world extremism — turn to hating others instead. The best solution is rising affluence & communication turning strange cultures into known cultures. Fortunately both trends are well […]

How could i feel better?

How could i feel better?   Make a list of all your goals and then add one: “love myself”. Make sure to leave time in your schedule to relax, and brainstorm how to change your life not just for getting along but for happiness, which might involve getting distance from hurtful relationships & obligations. You […]

if I join my family at mass, I don’t want to be dishonest by agreeing to the ritualistic chants

I no longer know how to approach religion. I believe in God, but not the Catholic Church that I was raised in. I want to continue to be part of that community in some ways, but if I join my family at mass, I don’t want to be dishonest by agreeing to the ritualistic chants […]

How can I stop caring about people I love, but that I know don’t love me?

How can I stop caring about people I love, but that I know don’t love me?   It’s a habit you can form one step at a time. Start by getting some distance & finding new friendships that will lead to new loves. Use your head to overrule your heart & tell yourself, “it’s not […]