Sometimes friends can see things we ourselves are blind to. It’s an important part of being a good friend to give negative, but supportive feedback, even it it’s scary to do. This works for family, too. Here’s how.
Should you give a friend advice that you know in your heart is right — even if the repercussions could be severe? Is this the right & kind / loving thing to do even though you can’t protect your friend from consequences…
If the good + long term benefits are best?
Sometimes you just can’t help a friend if you don’t have their attention & respect. Work on getting them to acknowledge the problem instead of blurting out a solution first.
Have your friend make a list of what’s making them happy & what isn’t.
If they’re ok with a problem “for now” ask them to define how long doing nothing & hoping for the best should be tried.
Be courteous & you won’t lose the friend.
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