The Guinness World Record Art Project
Where Thousands of Questions Get Answered


How can I figure out the risk that is right for me to take right now career-wise and art wise? I have ideas and passion but fear about money keeps me from acting. I feel stuck between being unable to financially survive if I do what I love or being miserably depressed in an unfulfilling office job for the rest of my life. I WANT TO MAKE ART!!


There are so many luxuries to modern life: cars, TV, the Internet, healthcare… You can live like a 15th century King on so little money.

You have to follow your passion. It’s what makes you you. It’s why it matters that you & not somebody else is living your life. Think creatively!

There must be a way to earn a living.

Network & learn from the examples of others & don’t give up! You can do it!

🙂 <3 <3


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