The Guinness World Record Art Project
Where Thousands of Questions Get Answered

What is the meaning of life?

I get this question every single day. I try to always answer something fresh. Some day if I have a museum exhibit, I’ll make an entire wall of them. What is the meaning of life?   Almost every emotion you have that’s not healthy can be overruled by rational thinking & things you can control […]

Why do you do this?

A common category of question is people asking about me. I used to say I was doing it for the adventure, to help people, and the shot at publishing a book and becoming ‘big’. That’s all still true, but this is the real answer: This is who I am, and if I’m to be true […]

How do you know if your girl is the right one to marrie? (How DO I KNOW “HE” IS THE RIGHT ONE?)

Last part about what the other sex is thinking. Our problems aren’t really all that different. 🙂 How do you know if your girl is the right one to marrie?   How DO I KNOW “HE” IS THE RIGHT ONE? She is if she’s consistently good to you & never wants to fight, has great […]

Why are guys so STUPID?! (Why do Women WasTe my Time?)

Another in a series that shows what the other sex is thinking. 🙂 Why are guys so STUPID?!   Why! Why do Women WasTe my Time? When Time is So percious Michael Both guys & gals have trouble reconciling their gut instinct & animal nature — things like being too impulse about sex or too […]

Am I going to meet the girl of my dreams SOON? ( Do I have to find him, or is he already looking for me? )

Here’s the first in a series of matched sets. Maybe these guys should find each other. 🙂 Am I going to meet the girl of my dreams SOON?   Yes, but you have to make it happen by being brave & putting yourself out there! You take the first step to ask someone out, and […]

Im tring to over come people who make me feel bad about myself

Thanks so much! for answers! 🙂 Im tring to over come people who make me feel bad about myself suggestions?   Back off or leave them entirely. The more you avoid people who drain you, the more confidence you’ll have. That will allow you to get more distance without unrealistic thoughts like you’ll be alone […]

How do you tell him you can’t breathe without him?

How do you tell him you can’t breathe without him?   You can’t breathe without him? Is that healthy? Being so dependent? It’s a beautiful & romantic idea that you’re so passionate that it’s bigger than life. But it’s ugly that you’re letting your emotions control you, because if you’re not stable enough that you […]

I love you Daizja, will you marry me?

I found these hung on the Wheel instead of in the drop box. Were they real? I choose to believe they were. Some who knows please email and let me know! It doesn’t matter what I answered. 🙂 I love you Daizja will you marry me?   I love you Wiliam I will marry you […]

where can I find Happiness? :(

Some days I’m tired and write as rapidly as I can. I know the answers but it just doesn’t come out poetically. This day, September 17, I feel I did pretty well. I have my cast off now and am just wearing a splint. Here’s one of those cards. where can I find Happiness? 🙁 […]

What piece of advice would you give to all questioners?

When I have an idea and write it on several cards, the phrasing gets better. Here’s what a first draft looks like: I run out of room. Maybe I’ll practice this on later cards. What piece of advice would you give to all questioners?   If you were raised in a cult, how would you […]